The Donald & Dolores Hamilton Residence, 1961
Kazuo Umemoto, Architect
First offering: From the small body of work discovered thus far, it seems likely that Kazuo Umemoto fully mastered the now classic post and beam glass house style pioneered by the USC School of Architecture just after the war. Set back from the street for maximum privacy, the living spaces are lifted above the private drive to allow light and views across the city from its private hillside setting. Inside, roof beams project through the living room and out beyond the front glass wall, focusing one’s view out to the San Gabriel Mountain vistas. The back glass wall affords views to the pool and patio with an additional elevated garden area. This light filled living environment carefully integrates 3 bedrooms 3 baths (one sky lighted), original lighting and window shades, pool, patio, and gardens. Swimming pool is currently out of service.
4319 San Rafael Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90042, USA